We are rapidly approaching the HOA Annual Meeting in April and the HOA is looking for volunteers for the HOA Board positions for next year. All the Board positions are up for election each year which include the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Resident At Large roles. The responsibilities of each position are explained in the Brookhaven By-Laws, but we will post additional details about the positions and how they interact with the management company soon. We will post updates about the candidates closer to the Annual Meeting, but currently have no volunteers.
The Board has heard your concerns about compliance letters being delivered for issues that seem minor, and inversely that we do not pursue compliance often enough nor fast enough. We are reviewing the compliance reports more thoroughly moving forward, but it is still every resident’s responsibility to maintain their homes and property. We do not publish resident’s personal communications/violations nor does any resident get special treatment, positive or negative. We follow a standard process for handling each case and if you have concerns you can contact one of the Board Members or Sarah-Marie Henson at Neighborhood Management to discuss the details.
Resident’s should be receiving annual HOA Dues statements any time now, and so if you do not receive one by mid-March you should contact Sarah-Marie Henson with Neighborhood Management at 205-877-9480, or via email shenson@nhmllc.org . We are receiving quotes currently to put in Card Access Controls at the Pool and Clubhouse with hopes to replace the Armbands with either Cards or a Key Fob for personal access to the HOA Facilities, more details will be given at the Annual Meeting. We are also getting quotes to supply WiFi at the Pool and Clubhouse as well.
With the new year coming up this is a great opportunity to make a difference by serving on the Board. We are continuing to grow the partnership with Neighborhood Management and together are improving our community day by day. We hope to see you at the Annual Meeting, hear your feedback and find out who is volunteering for the HOA Board for 2017.