At the Annual Meeting we discussed starting many new committees to help the community. These included, but are not limited to:
- Welcoming Committee – Greet new residents, gather contact information and give the new residents HOA information.
- Fitness Committee – Organize Wellness events such as Zumba, Walking Groups, etc.
- Beautification Committee – PickĀ Home Beatification Award Nominees and manage community beautification (new flowers at the signs, advising the Board of cleanup opportunities).
- Helping Neighbor Committee – Neighbors who are willing to help neighbors, cleaning yards, pressure washing, or the like.
- Finance Committee – Help the board make educated decisions on the best investment and spending strategies, such creating a budget.
- Communication Committee – Follow up HOA communications to make sure the community is informed.
- Neighborhood Watch – Basic neighborhood watch duties. We are expecting to get a class by the police on what to look for.
We are looking for volunteers for these committees and will be having an open meeting at the Clubhouse Sunday, May 1st at 3 p.m.
We will discuss the goalsĀ of the committees, any other committees that we may need and be recruiting members for the committees. Please email me at if you cannot make it, but would like to volunteer or have ideas.
I look forward to seeing everyone there.