Author Archives: Christine

Pool Surveillance

Unfortunately, we continue to have problems with some residents disrespecting community property and not following rules regarding the pool and clubhouse. There were several serious violations by a select group of residents on July 4th. Residents blocked the gate to sneak in after hours, they had numerous non resident guests, the parking lot and surrounding area were left a mess.

Those residents have since had their access cards deactivated. Once again, the HOA wants to remind residents there are working cameras surrounding the pool, clubhouse and parking lot.

Video footage will be reviewed frequently and the entire area will also be monitored by HOA officers. From this point forward, any resident caught disregarding policy will have their access cards deactivated until further notice.

There are to be NO GUESTS, no one under 18 without a parent, bring your own chairs, no diving or reckless behavior. Pick up your own belongings, including your trash. Do not destroy or disrespect community property.

This is not hard folks.

Pool Hours and Rules Update

Pool Hours and Rules Update

We are not allowing visitors due to Covid-19…period.

Unsupervised minors have been disrespecting our pool rules since it has opened, resulting in the damage of the pool liner, a mess for others to clean up, and decreased hours. It is posted that no visitors are allowed and unsupervised minors are inviting in multiple guests, not allowing for social distancing, and making it uncomfortable for residents to use the pool.

This is unacceptable.

As such,

Effective Immediately no one under 18 is allowed at the pool without adult supervision. Pool hours are extended to 9pm.

Residents, it is up to you to enforce this. Help keep our pool open and operable for your enjoyment.

2020 Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale

Our Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale will be Saturday, June 27th from 8am-1pm.

Feel free to save this flyer and re-post it in other local groups. You do not need to apply for a City of Margaret Garage Sale Permit, we have obtained one for the neighborhood as well as placed classified ads with the St. Clair News-Aegis and

Happy Selling!

Pool Update

Due to excessive misuse and disrespect, the pool hours have been changed to close at 7pm.
While the pool has only been open a few days, it has been left trashed each evening. The families that voluntarily maintain the pool should not have to clean up after residents. We will be reviewing the security footage and revoking access for residents who continue to disrespect it.

2020 Dues Update

Dear Brookhaven Home Owners Association Members,

We are in unprecedented times. Given the evolving economic situation due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the board of directors has voted to defer the 2020 dues increase to 2021. Dues for 2020 will remain at $260.

If you have any questions or need assistance with your payment or if you would like a refund for the increase already paid, please contact our community association manager, Angie Glass at 205-877-9480 or

Basketball Court Closure

For the health and safety of all, we have made the decision to close the basketball court until further notice.

Thank you to the very respectful students at the court this afternoon who understood the reasons for doing this.

Let’s all do our part to keep the spread of Covid-19 as contained as possible.

Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale 2019

This year our neighborhood yard sale will be in April. Ann Rayburn is kindly organizing a neighborhood pickup of leftover items/donations to benefit The Lovelady Center. If you would like to be on the list for pickup please text Ann your address. Her number is 205.908.0859.